WildPlay – Get Craft and Play
Join Herefordshire Wildlife Trust at Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum near Leominster for WildPlay – Get Craft and Play.
A drop in WildPlay play session for families.
WildPlay is based at Herefordshire Wildlife Trust and creates playful opportunities for children across Herefordshire to explore nature outdoors.
Do you look back to your own childhood and recall memories of our encounters with nature? It’s this sort of childhood encounter that contributes to a life long interest and love of nature. Children’s opportunities to play and explore in nature have been reduced through a variety of physical and social factors, which include fear of traffic and strangers and poor spaces for outdoor play.
Children also tend to spend their time in a different ways. Much of their free time is spent with technological babysitters like computers and television, or in after school clubs and holiday play schemes.
This is where WildPlay comes in, at Herefordshire Wildlife Trust they believe that it’s important that children have formative, positive experiences with nature in order for them to grow up to be adults with a love for, and a wish to care for the natural environment.
Booking: Not required.
Fees & Tickets
£2 per child, children under 2 years free