- Amenities
- Disabled access
- Dog friendly
Accessible Herefordshire CIC
Visitor information
Accessible Herefordshire CIC was set up in spring 2022 by Vicky Nicolson-James and Angela Martin. It was set up as a Community Interest Company to link visitors searching for leisure and visitor information in Herefordshire with business providers within the local tourism and hospitality industry.
We understand that people travel with different challenges. Their journey generally starts on the internet – seeking information that is often not readily available and can be inaccurate and irrelevant.
Accessible Herefordshire CIC are able to provide help, advice and training for businesses, instilling disability positivity and confidence in promoting their offer both online and physically. Mystery shopper, audits, walk and talk audits, in depth audits, reports and recommendations. We have reasonable charges for these services in order to cover our expenses.
Accessible Herefordshire CIC work closely with local tourist promotion groups such as Visit Herefordshire, Tourist Information Centres and are members of Eat Sleep Live Herefordshire.
Trails and activities featuring accessible local businesses will be featured on our social media channels and shared for maximum coverage. Accessible Herefordshire CIC are keen to hear about experiences of access and inclusion in Herefordshire from the public. Those experiences can be good and bad of course. We are keen to champion the best and share them via our social media posts.
We have are gaining a worldwide interest too with many wheelchair travellers keen to visit the UK – we are working American traveller/influencer Kenneth Edmonds and his worldwide traveller resource for those travelling with a chair or with mobility challenges https://www.accessibletravel.info/
Accessible Herefordshire CIC are also voluntary Directors of Herefordshire Bid
By telling us about personal experiences in the county we may be able to help, advise and support the less inclusive or accessible venues, activities, and resources.
If you are an accessible venue wanting to be showcased please get in touch – we would like to build our information to be a comprehensive place of reference and information for residents and visitors to Herefordshire with disabilities or additional needs.
We are a Community Interest Group – CIC Limited by Guarantee
A bit about us
The Co-Directors have the skills, experience and expertise in accessibility and inclusion. Vicky has a daughter with complex mobility and health needs and has lived in Herefordshire for 15 years with her husband and three children. Her work experience includes marketing and promotion. Angela has worked for many years promoting inclusion and accessibility as a project manager, youth worker and mentor.
Accessible Herefordshire CIC provides excellent accessible information, facilities and customer services that ensure a warm welcome to all visitors to Herefordshire.
So why should you or your business care or get involved?
Tourism businesses with improved accessibility appeal to a wider range of customers. It’s not just disabled customers who benefit; it’s families, older people and practically all of your customers in one way or another.
Some interesting facts and figures from Visit Britain
- 21% of the British population has an impairment, the most common of which is a long-term illness (Family Resource Survey, 2018/19)• The total expenditure generated by those with health conditions and impairments and their travelling companions is estimated to be £15.3 billion (Visit England, 2019)• People with health conditions and impairments tend to take longer holiday breaks than average and therefore tend to spend more money per trip• Impairments and disability increase substantially after the age of 45• Over 1 in 3 (35%) domestic overnight trips are made by those aged 55 plus (Visit England, 2019)• 430,000 British adults with an impairment did not take a domestic trip between April 2017 and March 2018 due to the lack of accessibility provision (Visit England, 2018) 21% of the British population has an impairment
Please get in touch and see how we can help.