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Inside Story...

                     NICOLA                              CONNOR
                     HASSENPFLUG                         HART
                     Sensory and Rye                     Déjà Vu
                     Hereford City                       Hereford City

        We dig into how this former landscape   The Herefoodie discovers how Connor
        architect and urban designer combined   Hart realised his cocktails and cuisine
        her skills into a restaurant that serves    dream and is about to add even more
        the most vibrant dishes with a floral   to the mix-ology…
                                            “Hospitality has been in most of my life,
        Sensory and Rye first opened in Hereford    starting as a chef at 16 and eventually
        in 2016 and a few years later, having   moving to bar in the coming years.
        outgrown the original premises, moved    I dreamed of opening my own restaurant
        to a much larger property in the street   and cocktail bar and Déjà Vu was an idea
        opposite. Now, the vast windows of this   from when I was about 18 or 19. The name
        urban style eatery showcase a light, bright,   and meaning behind it just stuck with me.
        open space buzzing with foodies indulging
        in a uniquely curated menu that is anything   After numerous hospitality jobs I set it up
        but ordinary and certainly a ‘sensory’   in 2017, initially through local restaurant
        experience through its vibrantly coloured   pop ups and weddings. I worked a few
        (naturally not artificially) ingredients.  different jobs Monday to Friday over the
                                            next 3 years to help fund Déjà Vu and get
        Dive into a hearty breakfast/brunch menu   the brand awareness out there, and in 2020
        like the Rye Fry but also with wholesome   opened our beautiful little premises on
        elements if you prefer your eggs poached   St Owens Street!
        and your avocado on sourdough. Lunches
        brim with nutrition including piled Buddha   There are lots of avenues I want to branch
        Bowls but which can add a naughty portion   into with Déjà Vu, embracing mine and the
        of fish in the lightest batter amongst other   team’s creativeness. Delays have slowed us,
        drooly specials and delicious, sweet treats   as we opened during Covid-19 and straight
        including a new decadent waffle menu.  after a recession. Excitingly, our next project
                                            will be an RTD (ready to drink) range of
        The spaciousness works well for everyone   cocktails, launching later this year. You can
        from mums with prams to business chats   follow that journey on Insta -
        and in the evenings converts into a    @dejavudrinksuk “
        fabulous cocktail lounge where the party
        can really start.                   Which one piece of hospitality business
                                            advice have you found most useful?
        As one diner extoled “This is a modern    Always take the time to employ the right
        slice of understated glamour, coffee    people in their field of work and look after
        served in style and food that is just too    them the best you can.
        darn good”.

     20  Herefordshire’s BEST FOOD & DRINK GUIDE
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