Page 11 - ESL Marches Ultimate Guide 2024
P. 11

contemporary pop-ups are popular. Charming   Hereford City  Events
         Church Street with its picturesque pavers,
         leading to Hereford’s magnifi cent cathedral   Find more events under What’s On
         and its stunning grounds, is a thriving   at
         independent quarter, featuring a variety   Please check the individual websites for
         of artisan shops and eateries. For those   up-to-date event and market day information
         seeking a modern shopping experience, the   before attending in case of changes.
         contemporary Old Market Shopping Centre,
         complete with restaurants and renowned   May  Hereford Historic Mayfair
         brand outlets, offers ample choices for the   Hereford
         discerning shopper.                 
         Riverside Wanders                        Aug  Hereford Indie Food
         Embark on a serene stroll through the         Aubrey Street
         Castle Green, an historic site believed to
         be the bailey of one of the earliest castles in   Oct  Hereford Applefest
         England, constructed by Norman conquerors     High Town
         in the 11C, now a favoured spot for picnics,
         festivals and leisurely dog walks. The ornate   Dec  When Farmers Do Christmas
         Victoria Foot Bridge, opened in 1898 to       Tractor Runs
         commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen      Hereford & Ledbury
         Victoria, offers spectacular views of the River
         Wye and is a walkway across the water to
         St George V’s Playing Fields and Parkland.  Nov   Pantomime - Sleeping Beauty
                                                  24 -
                                                       Courtyard Theatre
         For a return to the heart of the city, consider   Jan
         crossing the old Wye Bridge, via Gwynne   25
         Street where mistress to King Charles II Nell   Hereford Markets
         Gwynne is believed to have been born.         High Town
         Alternatively, continue your journey along    Retail: Weekly Weds & Sat
         the right bank, crossing the iron Hunderton   Produce & Craft: Weekly Thurs,
         Bridge, and proceed to the Museum of Cider,   monthly fi rst Saturday.
         chronicling the histories of Herefordshire’s   Christmas Markets: Selected
         iconic cider industry. A bit further down the   dates through December
         path lies The Waterworks Museum with
         working steam exhibits, celebrating 150 years   markets-high-town-hereford
         of water history.
         Discover more places to go in Hereford on   Tourist Information Centre
         our website.
                                                  Hereford Town Hall,
         Photos  Hereford Cathedral | The Yard at The Bookshop |  St Owen Street HR1 2PJ  01432 383837
         The Victoria Footbridge | Green Dragon Hotel |
         Widemarsh Street

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