Page 19 - ESL Marches Ultimate Guide 2024
P. 19
for food enthusiasts, and the Christmas Leominster Events
Victorian Festival adds a festive, costumed
vibe to the town. Find more events under What’s On
The Great Outdoors Please check the individual websites for
Originally a castellated manor, the theatrically up-to-date event and market day information
dressed Hampton Court Castle spans back before attending in case of changes.
to the 15C with vast grounds that include
a gothic look-out tower at their centre and Apr Leominster Fair
secret tunnel to explore. Delight at the Leominster Town Centre
1000 yew tree maze, sunken water garden,
waterfall, award-winning rose gardens and May Burton Court Antiques Fair
Orangery Café. A landmark which will Burton Court
impress both history and garden enthusiasts.
Berrington Hall exudes Georgian grandeur Jul Leominster & Hereford
within Capability Brown’s fi nal landscape Kite Festival
and gardens, including a glorious boating Berrington Hall
lake. This imposing National Trust property
hosts family-oriented outings and themed Sept Leominster Food Fayre
events throughout the year. Leominster Town Centre
Queenswood Country Park and Arboretum,
under the stewardship of the Herefordshire Dec Leominster Victorian Festival
Wildlife Trust, offers a wonderful place Leominster Town Centre
for a woodland walk. A haven for nature
enthusiasts and perfect for picnics, it boasts
remarkable views from the look-out point and Dec Tenbury Mistletoe Festival
Tenbury Wells
enjoyable dog-friendly trails.
Herefordshire hosts a collection of splendid Leominster Market
gardens, ranging from formal to more Corn Square
informal, and each possessing its own Traditional weekly market
unique beauty. Noteworthy among them Every Friday
are Stockton Bury Gardens, overseen by
RHS judge, garden writer, and author Tasmin markets-and-events
Westhorpe, and Westonbury Mill Water
Gardens in Pembridge, both situated nearby.
Tourist Information Centre
Find more information on what’s in and
11 Corn Square, HR6 8YP
around Leominster on our website.
01568 616460
Photos Grange Court | Leominster Medieval Pageant |
Giant Cuckoo Clock at Westonbury Mill Water Gardens |
The Gruffalo Trail at Queenswood | Corn Square |
Berrington Hall 17