P. 15

Prior to the vineyard, we grew strawberries   the cancellation of our weekly tours and
         for the ‘pick your own’ market and potatoes   tastings and all but put a complete stop
         for a few years.                     to all trade sales. Long term however we
                                              have seen an increase in sales with people
         Looking to the future, our desire is to ensure   now far more concerned and aware as
         the estate, which has been in our family for   to where their food and drink is coming
         over 500 years and never been sold, is in a   from. People appear keener than ever to
         strong position for the next generation to   ’support local’.
         take over.
                                              We love Herefordshire for its unspoilt
         The vineyard is integral to helping fund   nature and the humble attitude it has
         Wythall Estate and the upkeep of the   towards the incredible scenery and tourist
         magnificent manor house, through     attractions, which are among the best in
         producing wine of only the highest quality.  the UK by-the-way.

         In the last couple of years, Covid resulted in   Jamie’s business tip: Keep your integrity.

                                              and printed onto recycled paper. Our
                                              favourite way of distributing is at markets
                      TOM AND                 or other local events as we love meeting
                      LYDIA                   the people drinking the cider (as well as
                      Artistraw               reducing the need for extra packaging!)
                      Hay on Wye              but we also sell in selected bars and bottle
         Tom previously worked in renewable energy   shops and via our online shop, where
         as a researcher into ultra high efficiency solar   the cider is delivered in recyclable boxes
         cells, that can convert nearly half the sun’s   and sealed with compostable packaging
         light into electricity. Lydia had a previous   tape. Where possible we encourage our
         career in costume, working on shows in the   customers to return their bottles to us so
         West End and Broadway for theatres such as   that we can re-use them.
         the National, ENO, Shakespeare’s Globe and
         the Royal Court to name but a few.   We opened the online shop during Covid
                                              and Lydia began working on the cider
         We have both been deeply involved in the   business full time. Tom became busier
         green movement for most of our adult lives   with a solar R&D contract and organising a
         and after spending a decade in London we   citizen science programme to protect the
         felt it was time to get back to the land. We   local River Wye.
         founded Artistraw Cider in 2017, although
         Tom has been making cider since 2003. It is   The Wye is a favourite part of
         our way of living an even more sustainable life.  Herefordshire, and the long open views
                                              to the SW of the Black Mountains and the
         We don’t add anything to the pressed juice   Brecon Beacons never gets old.
         (no water, no sugar, no sulphites). It is left
         to gently ferment over Winter then hand-  Their tips for operating sustainably:
         bottled and labelled using an upcycled,   Work in sustainable practices and
         water soluble, natural corn starch glue that   measures from the off. It will not only set
         we developed ourselves. Our labels are   you up well for the future, but reduce your
         designed and illustrated by Lydia using   running costs and help inspire everyone to
         natural inks and paints, hand-made by us   make the changes necessary to eliminate
         from plants grown on our small holding,   carbon emissions.
                                              …Continued P16
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