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                      HOWDEN                                GLYN AND LLOYD
                      Silver Circle                         Black Mountains
                      Distillery                            Botanicals
                      Catbrook                              The Golden Valley
         We met while working in the music industry   We have been good friends for a decade;
         in Berlin. We both ran our own companies,   Glyn is a landlord and owner of an award
         which were focussed on different areas    winning pub and B&B, you would have
         of marketing for bands but also events    seen him on TV’s Four in a Bed and in
         and drinks businesses. There was a lot of   The Guardian many times. Lloyd was
         synergy between our careers and interests   a technical director for a mechanical
         which over time morphed into Silver    engineering company and has pushed
         Circle Distillery.                    liquid through pipes all of his life. Trying
                                               some craft spirits out we decided we could
         Moving from Berlin to the Wye Valley was   produce an award winning range of our
         a big life change but, having both grown   own and four years ago launched our gins
         up in the countryside, it was also a return   and vodka, adding more products every
         to nature. We wanted to do something that   year. This is the best liquid Lloyd has
         would help us embrace a new lifestyle here   ever pushed!
         and be more in tune with the seasons. We
         launched the distillery three years ago with   Being a small, robust and highly motivated
         our flagship product Wye Valley Gin and   company we adapted quickly to Covid,
         that’s why it has six foraged botanicals in it.   firstly by getting licensed to sell hand
         We were reconnecting.                 sanitiser. Giving away 4000 bottles to key
                                               workers and NHS staff, we went on to sell
         Then Covid struck about nine months later   at pre-pandemic prices for 12 months. We
         so it’s been an adventure! The distillery has   also hugely improved our e-commerce
         been around for a lot longer with Covid   capability and embraced the dynamic shift
         than without it and it’s hard to imagine it any   that was presented to us.
         other way now. We had to adapt and be
         flexible throughout the lockdowns, so any   We have grown from four products to
         early long term plans we had went out of   11, including our new coffee liqueur, and
         the window. It showed us how resilient we   intend to build the business further with
         could be.                             more distributors on board. Everything
                                               we produce is made on-site and we use
         We already have our Gin School and our   local cider apples to make our base spirits.
         next adventure is our new pop-up tasting   We’re delighted to have won several
         room now open in Chepstow, which is really   Great Taste awards and others including
         exciting. We’re doing various experiences   gold medals in San Fransisco and coming
         and events with the emphasis very much   1st and 2nd in the UK London Spirits
         on tasting. That’s what it’s all about afterall,   competition. The Gin School is a great
         discovering new and delicious things.   experience for visitors and we welcome
         Herefordshire and the Wye Valley is just   groups. We also have a coffee company
         stunningly beautiful isn’t it? And the Wye is   with personalised blends.
         undeniably special.
                                               What’s not to love about Herefordshire, it’s
         Their note for success: Running a business   the food destination of the UK. We love
         is a lifestyle so make sure it’s something you   the fantastic people and many characters,
         love doing.
                                               and outstanding scenic countryside.

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