Page 28 - Herefoodie 24.indd
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Inside Story...

                                            popularity of the eggs. Moving from their
                        NEIL AND PENNY      home kitchen to a dedicated unit, then a
                        CHAMBERS            larger ‘Eggshed’, they now produce up to
                        The Nest at Little    45 Scotch egg flavours supplying wholesale
                        Verzons Farm        nationwide, along with Penny’s recipe pies,
                        Nr Ledbury          quiches and sausage rolls. In 2008 they
                                            opened the world’s first Scotch egg shop,
        Back in the 2000s, Penny had an     Egg’cetera, in Worcester.
        event catering company and supplied
        homemade treats to local delis,     By 2014 they took on Little Verzons Farm
        inbetween working with the City of   in Herefordshire, where they launched The
        Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. Neil   Nest; a larger shop and café. These and
        designed and painted murals and faux   their own charcuterie are all on the menu
        finishes for various clients, from private   along with salads, breakfasts, cakes and
        commissions to public buildings, and held   more. The deli and farmshop specialises
        workshops and classes, helping Penny’s   in regional producers, crafted kitchen and
        events when needed.                 homeware, and the site is home to more
                                            indie businesses.
        Farmers’ markets offered a sustainable
        new venture and their first foray in 2003 at   With orchard and woodland walks (dogs
        Teme Valley Market, with a selection of five   welcome) the lake (Loch Nest!) and seasonal
        varieties of Penny’s Scotch eggs, sold out.   events, this is a wonderfully chilled artisan
        Expanding to more markets, prestigious   foodie place to explore.
        Ludlow Food Festival confirmed the

                                            farm. Their own field-fattened beef was also
                     NICK PRICE             soon being sold at the shop, as well as other
                                            top quality local produce, leading to the
                     Oakchurch Farm Shop
                     Staunton-on-Wye,       need for bigger premises.
                     Hereford               Now spearheaded by son Nick, it is the self-
                                            proclaimed ‘Harrods of Herefordshire’, which
        Do you remember Pick Your Own fruit   fortunately refers more to the wide selection
        trips with your parents, when you actually   and quality of products and produce than
        entered the fields with a one-for-the-  the cost of them. Championing Herefordshire
        punnet and one-for-me mission? …
                                            food and drink producers and a huge range
        Oakchurch started as a ‘pick your own’   of their own delicious fresh and frozen
        strawberry farm in the 1970’s and remains   homemade foodie products, it is a weekly
        family owned, yet now it is soooo much more.   shop for many. Alongside a quality garden
        Herefordian born and bred Edward and Ros   centre, giftware, fashion and housewares,
        Price started from a little wooden shed on the   their onsite restaurant offers quality breakfast,
        side of the road in 1970, as an outlet for their   brunches, lunches and cakes … after all,
        PYO strawberry fields and the fresh produce   you’ll probably be there all day!
        that they were growing on the Oakchurch

     26  Herefordshire’s BEST FOOD & DRINK GUIDE
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