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Inside Story...                     Village at Bishops Frome and opened a

                                            retail shop in Worcester and, very recently,
                                            celebrating our 10 year anniversary, have
                                            relocated again to a fantastic space in
                                            Bromyard, from where we can not only
                                            operate production and continue our
                     PETER COOK             brilliant bread-making courses, but sell retail,
                     Peter Cook’s Bread     offer hot and cold takeaway products and
                     Bromyard               sandwiches including new ranges, and hot
                                            coffee too. You can also buy our breads and
        “A highlight of working in hospitality in   pastries at delicatessens, farm shops, markets
        London was always the early morning   and festivals across the four counties and
        bakery delivery of bread and pastries;   enjoy them on many restaurant menus.
        little did I know that my life was going
        to be in bread.                     I have been fortunate to win many awards
                                            for my loaves and I’m immensely proud
        “Relocating to foodie Ludlow in the 1990’s,   of collaborating with local brewers, cider
        I learnt the traditional methods and recipes   makers, and cheese makers to use their
        from the old bakers. The slow, overnight   fantastic produce in my breads. We have
        fermentation results in flavours that   attracted like-minded people; creative,
        modern, industrial baking shortcuts and   experienced staff that are the powerhouse
        ‘dough improvers’ can never achieve.  behind new flavours and innovational

        We moved the enterprise to bigger   creations, which makes the future exciting.”
        premises at The Hop Pocket Shopping

        - SHARING                                                       MAP REF D8
                REAL BREAD

                Our award-winning products are
                available in farm shops and delis
                throughout the Midlands from
                Birmingham to Cheltenham.
                Visit our shop at The Hop Market,
                Worcester WR1 1DL or look on our
                website to find your local stockist and
                for details of our bread-making

                @ W  @PeterCooksBread

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