Page 47 - Herefoodie 24.indd
P. 47

From the Cellar

                                              Fandango Light Ale
         Black Mountain                       Fandango Light Ale
         Los Cafeteros                        Part of the core range,
         Herefordshire-made                   Fandango from Wye
         cold brew coffee liqueur
         cold br ew cof fee liqueur           Valley Brewery is a
         using Black Mountains                humdinger of a hoppy
                                                 , bursting with tr
         Botanicals very own                  beer, bursting with tropical
         distilled vodka with                 fl avours and light, citrusy
         Colombian coffee from their sister
         Colombian cof fee fr om their sister  undertones. Crafted by combining Azacca,
         company Black Mountain Roast. Blended with    Comet and Bramling Cross hops, this super
         company Black Mountain Roast. Blended with
         raw Colombian sugar (Panela), it’s perfect for   popular pale ale delights with its zesty notes.
         espresso martinis and other cocktails. More   Its refreshingly light fi nish makes it a perfect
         coffee, less sugar.                  choice. Fandango is a hoppy hootenanny of a
                                              pale ale that’s truly worth savouring. Fabulous!
         Dry Oak
         Craft Cider                          Botanica No7 Vodka
                                              Botanica No7 Vodka
         From the picturesque
         Gwatkin Cider orchards               Crafted from a
         nestled in the heart                 harmonious blend of
         of the Golden Valley,                elderfl ower, damson
         Dry Oak Craft cider is               blossom, damson
         meticulously crafted using
         meticulously crafted using           leaves, nettle, rosemary,
         a harmonious blend of the fi nest Herefordshire   basil and coriander,
         Cider apples. These apples are carefully laid   this British vodka by Gattertop
         down and matured in seasoned oak vats,   Drinks Company is celebrated for its subtle
         resulting in a cider that beautifully combines   herbaceous and fl oral character. The carefully
         the crisp fl avour of the timber with the natural   selected botanicals infuse the vodka with a
         sweetness of the fruit. Choose to purchase it   fragrant and nuanced profi le. For an exquisite
         online or directly from the store, where you can   twist, mix it with tomato juice to create the
                                              perfect Bloody Mary.
         also enjoy a delightful meal at Gwatkin Red
         Cow Restaurant.            
         Damson Gin Liqueur
         Damson Gin Liqueur                   Ludlow Single
                                              Malt English Whisky
         Great Taste award-                   Malt English Whisky
         winning Damson Gin                   Ludlow Distillery
         Liqueur from Gun Dog                 crafts exceptional single
         Gin is made using                    malt whiskies in one of the
                                              malt whiskies in one of the
         only REAL fruit and                  UK’s smallest distilleries
         British gin.  Steeped                in Ludlow. With a focus on
                                              in Ludlow
                                                     . W
                                                       ith a focus on
         in Herefordshire, serve it neat
         in Her efor dshir e, serve it neat    small batch production, each year’s limited
         to enjoy its rich damson fruity goodness or
         to enjoy its rich damson fruity goodness or     releases are highly sought after. Their fi rst
         mix with lemonade and chopped fruit for the   edition sold out in just three minutes –
         perfect summer punch or blend with bubbles   so make sure you’re quick to get your
         for a Kir Royale Hereford-style!     hands on one!            
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