Page 42 - Herefoodie 24.indd
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Behind the Bottle
        Behind the Bottle

        Frome Valley
        Bishops Frome
        “We took over the
          e took over the
        vineyard in 2005 as
        vineyard in 2005 as
        absolute novices.
        Our predecessors had
        Our predecessors had
        established it 15 years
        established it 15 years             P P P AUL AND
                                             AUL AND
                                            PAUL AND
                                             AUL AND
                                            SARAH SCOURFIELD
                                            SARAH SCOURFIELD
                                            SARAH SCOURFIELD
        earlier, at the beginning of the English wine
        earlier, at the beginning of the English wine   SARAH SCOURFIELD
                                            Rockfield Distillery
        revival. Continuing their work we were soon   Rockfield Distillery
        captivated by the world of vine growing. As   Hereford
        our expertise grew, so did our family. Now,
        from mowing the vineyard to managing   Paul Scourfi eld, an accomplished engineer
        stands at shows and giving tours, everyone   and owner of a local air conditioning
        is old enough to help out.          company, collaborated with his close friend
        Nestled in a curve of the River Frome at the   and colleague Mike Griffi ths to create
        head of the valley, we enjoy a favourable   Rockfi eld Spirits. As the business began to
        microclimate. The rich clay loam of our   take shape, they were joined by a vital new
        “terroir,” deposited over millennia, forms   member, Paul’s wife Sarah Scourfi eld. With
        the foundation of our award-winning wines.   her background as a headteacher, Sarah
        At 52 degrees north, we’re on the edge of   brought her own insights and creativity
        viable viticulture, with unique challenges and   to the mix, helping to shape the vision of
        benefi ts, such as plenty of water, but late   Rockfi eld Spirits and they launched their
        frosts are a signifi cant challenge.  premises in 2023, conveniently only few
                                            minutes’ walk from Hereford train station,
        We aim to tread lightly on our environment,   on the site of a former cider mill.
        pruning, mulching the rows, and managing
        disease with minimal impact mainly by hand,   At the heart of Rockfi eld Spirits is Doris,
        even our sheep help by “mowing” and   their large still, affectionately named
        fertilising the vineyard.           in honour of Sarah’s late mother. While
                                            Paul and Mike have created a London
        We’re proud to be one of the fi rst small   Dry Gin and fruity Pink Gin, and continue
        vineyards in the Sustainable Wines   to develop blends and fl avours, already
        GB project.                         winning awards, Sarah leads front of
        Sustainability leads across our entire property   house in their gin lounge and experience
        with solar panels, biomass heating, and a   room, for enthusiasts who want to learn
        vegetable garden that makes us nearly   the art and science of gin making. Gin
        self-suffi cient. Our organic cider orchard,   tasting and making classes are both great
        large wildlife pond and extensive pasture and   fun experiences and their shop lets you
        woodland sequester a good deal of carbon,   purchase from their ever-growing range of
        helping us do our part for the environment.”  fl avours. Discover a real spirit of Hereford.           rockfi
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