Page 43 - Herefoodie 24.indd
P. 43

                                             CODY P ALIN
                                             CODY PALIN
                                             Ludlow Brewing
                                             Ludlow Brewing
         SHAUN                               Shropshire
         Ludlow Distillery                   “I’ve been at
         Ludlow Distillery
              , Shr
                                             Ludlow Brewery
         Ludlow, Shropshire                  Ludlow Brewery
                                             for almost six
         “I’m a big spirits fan: beautiful creations,   years, as Head
         distilled with the fi nest ingredients to bring   Brewer for the past
                                             Brewer for the past
         you something unique to savour and enjoy.   three, having studied Brewing and Distilling
                                             three, having studied Brewing and Distilling
         I’m also a fan of single malt whisky – the   at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh. My
         stories, the landscapes, the characters that   passion lies in crafting high-quality beers
         form something magical.             and continually learning new techniques to
         Ludlow is renowned for its culinary and   enhance the brewing process. Outside of the
         beverage scene and I identifi ed an   brewing world, I’m an avid DJ and musician!
         opportunity to blend my passion for gin   Ludlow Brewery began as a humble home-
         with my love for Ludlow. After many months   brew setup in Gary Walter’s (owner) garage.
         and countless experiments, I created a   Today, from the converted Victorian railway
         range of distinctive yet traditionally  shed only 50 metres from the railway station,
         juniper-led recipes, all at a robust 42%   we have a whole processing plant and
         strength, and launched Wardington’s   taproom. But we still honour his vision of
         Original Ludlow Gin in September 2018.  twenty-odd years ago, being deeply rooted
         We distil our gin traditionally, with the fi nest   in the tradition of brewing exceptional
         natural botanicals, no artifi cial colours or   beers, with a strong emphasis on quality and
         fl avours. Our product range now includes   craftsmanship, and to being eco-conscious,
         Ludlow Single Malt English Whisky, rums,   ensuring our practices are both sustainable
         vodka, brandy, and eau de vie, all made for   and environmentally friendly.
         the discerning palate with love, with the   Strong relationships with our customers
         same artisanal excellence.          and publicans are the heart and soul of our
         In 2023 we relocated our operation to   business. We value the power of community,
         Ludlow Farm Shop, with purpose-built   listen to feedback and ideas and strive to
         premises for further expansion. Additionally,   meet their needs. Ultimately, I want to see
         we offer full-service contract distilling and   Ludlow Brewery grow as a respected name
         spirits consultation.               in the industry. We’re investing heavily in
                                             cutting-edge technology to improve the
         We also welcome curious fans and visitors
         to see behind the scenes and learn how we   consistency and effi ciency of our entire
         handcraft our premium spirits on distillery   process. Not a drop wasted!”
         tours, or to create their own botanical gin in   Which one piece of business advice have
         our Gin School. Our shop and bar are open   you found most useful? Maintain your
         daily 11am-4.30pm and we hold regular   standards. In the brewing industry, for me,
         events. See you there.”             it’s about quality over quantity.”    

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