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Sip the Story:


        Cider Heritage                                Ty Gwyn Holidays

        Here cider’s roots run deep.
                                            Cider’s world domination
        The county produces over half the   Cider’s world domination
        UK’s cider, has the largest number
        of orchards in the country, is home   At one point, cider houses outnumbered
        to the biggest cider producer in    beer pubs. By the 1900s, Bulmers, the
        the world and has more than one     apple-pressing juggernaut, held sway,
        hundred artisan producers.          becoming the largest producer in the world.
                                            Their brands Strongbow, Woodpecker,
        Cider Baths and New Heights         and Scrumpy Jack are now household
                                            names. Today, the original Bulmers site
        In the 15C, folklore whispers Herefordshire’s   in Hereford City houses the country’s sole
        babies were bathed in cider! Why?   Cider Museum, where visitors can explore
        Supposedly cider was cleaner than the   interactive exhibits of traditional apple
        water. In the 17C, Viscount Scudamore,   cultivation to fermentation along with
        from the still-existing Kentchurch Estate in   the social and cultural impact of cider
        Herefordshire’s Golden Valley, embarked   in Herefordshire and beyond.
        on a fl avourful adventure to retrieve the
        Redstreak apple variety from Normandy.   Westons: A Family Legacy
        Little did he know, this simple act would
        elevate English cider and Herefordshire   Near Ledbury, Westons Cider reigns
        to new heights.                     supreme. Still family owned since Henry
                                            Weston established the mill, enjoy his
                                            vintage bottles, iconic Stowfords Press and
                                            more, take a tour, linger in the restaurant
                                            or café, and browse their cider shop.
                                            Craft Cider Renaissance

                                            Beyond the giants, Herefordshire’s artisan
                                            cider makers steal the show. From farms to
                                            modest personal orchards, they create small
                                            batches, embracing nature’s whims with
                                            product names as quirky as the producers
                                            themselves, several offering authentic tours
                                            keen to share their craft. Some dream of
                                            cider rivalling wine at dinner tables-
                                            a renaissance worth raising a glass to.
           Weston’s Cider display

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