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P. 41

Cider soaked toasts

         and torchlit trails
         and torchlit trails

         All hail the Apple ‘Wassail’

         Amidst frost-kissed orchards and
         the lingering magic of Twelfth Night,
         Herefordshire unveils its cherished
         seasonal tradition; Wassailing!
         Held around Twelfth Night in January,
         Wassailing is an ancient ceremony rooted
         in cider-making regions. This festive event
         blesses orchards with singing, dancing and
         fl aming torch-lit processions led by the
         Wassail King and Queen, which are usually
         children. The Queen is hoisted to place
         cider-soaked toasts in the trees to encourage
         fruitfulness and a bountiful harvest.
                                             Look out for Children’s Wassail Trail
                                                               assail T
                                                             s W
         With Herefordshire producing over half of   events in the school holidays, put on by
         the UK’s 700 million litres of cider each year,   The National Trust in Herefordshire.
         it’s the perfect way to experience this joyful
         tradition around the county. Participants raise   Regular January events include The Much
         an exuberant ruckus to ward off evil spirits   Marcle Wassail with The Silurian Morrismen
         using pots, pans and anything else that makes   and this is held in and around Westons Cider
         a racket. The evening usually includes sharing   Visitors Centre, where you can enjoy music,
         mulled spiced cider and ends with a visit to a   food and mummers after the procession
         local pub to warm up.               and blessing.
                                             The Leominster Morris Wassail is a stalwart
         Wassailing has become a major event in both
         North and South Herefordshire, now spanning   event and held at one of the pubs in and
         several weekends and drawing regular   around Leominster, most recently at Burton
         attendees and those curious about folklore   Court and Newton Court Cider.
         and tradition. Leominster Morris and Silurian   The Woolhope Wassail at the Crown Inn
         Border Morris groups lead many of the   provides outdoor food, a great atmosphere
         events, depicting the ‘mummers’ (dressing up   and a jolly happy gathering with Landlord
         in disguise), making it a spectacle to behold   Matt always dressed in traditional wassailing
         with their extravagant hats, fl owery jackets,   attire, featuring rustic, old-world garments
         often painted faces and energetic dancing.   adorned with festive decorations and seasonal
         Crowd participation is highly encouraged,   accessories. A great sight to behold.
         especially when the word ‘Wassail’ is
         mentioned, it’s a real family event.  So, pull on your woollies and wellies and head
                                             to one of Herefordshire’s Wassailing evenings

         A wassail bowl, filled with warm spiced cider,   for a unique experience this winter. Keep an
         perry, or ale, is often shared among the   eye on our website in January for a round-up
         procession and there’s usually a bonfi re,   of forthcoming Wassailing dates and locations:
         and sometimes snack food depending
         on the location.
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